I honestly was not expecting this image to appear at any time in this course, or in my education for that matter. BUT YES! Our assignment this time was to trace out a picture of a GUNDAM model and while it certainly was tedious, it definitely was fun to do.

Having been taught the basics of Adobe Illustrator a few weeks prior, this assignment wasn't actually that hard to do. It simply involved tracing a filling in spaces with color. What it was however, was insanely tedious. The image provided to us was severely pixelated, meaning it was tougher to trace the finer details. Tracing out the overall outline itself also took a massive amount of time as the model here has a lot of curves and fine edges.

The next step was coloring. Filling in the white blanks of the GUNDAM is as easy as it sounds, but getting the color composition right is another story. Heck I think I can make this look better but I just can't think of much more possibilities at the moment. The trickiness lies in the fact that we have to make this look 3-Dimensional. That involves shading certain spots while making sure the lighting makes sense. In this particular image I imagined the light source coming from the left of the picture (the right side from the GUNDAM's point of view). As such, his left side would get progressively darker by the section.

Being a fan of the GUNDAM series I found this assignment to be quite enjoyable. The colors are bright and it reminds me a lot of the older series of GUNDAMS. Tedious, but still fun.
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    Nicholas YB

    Wearing pants.